多年以來,一直從事絨山羊肉質研究相關的科研工作,先後參與國自然地區自然科學等基金 7 項。主要從事營養遺傳學分子調控機制的研究。在成果方面,發表文章 20 篇,第一作者文章 8 篇,SCI 文章 6 篇。獲得軟件著作權1項。2022 年承擔《家畜繁殖學》、《動物學》《細胞生物學》等課程 101 課時。
1. Xie Y, Liu Z, Guo J, Su X, Zhao C, Zhang C, Qin Q, Dai D, Zhao Y, Wang Z, Wang R, Zhang Y, Su R, Wang Z, Li J. MicroRNA-mRNA Regulatory Networking Fine-Tunes Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Synthesis and Metabolism in the Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat. Front Genet. 2021 Jun 2;12:649015.
2. Yuchun Xie, Chongyan Zhang, Qing Qin, et all. Proteomics Analysis of Meat to Identify Goat Intramuscular Fat Deposits Potential Biomarkers. Food Analytical Methods. 16, pages1191–1202 (2023). Food Analytical. doi.org/10.1007/s12161-023-02483-8
3. Yuchun Xie, Nairile, Haijun Li, et all. Protein identification by label-free proteomics and functional characterization of Inner Mongolia cashmere goat meat. Czech Journal of Animal Science
4. Chongyan Zhang#, Yuchun Xie#, Juntao Guo, et all. Label-free proteomics to identify keratins and keratin-associated proteins and their effects on the fleece traits of Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goats.Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2023, 68(1):17-29 | DOI: 10.17221/93/2022-CJAS.
5. Zhihong Liu#, Yuchun Xie#, Juntao Guo, et all. Comparison of porcine milk microRNA expression in milk exosomes versus whole swine milk and prediction of targets genes. Archives Animal Breeding.
6. 軟件著作權2019年經中華人民共和國國家版權局審核對“基于近紅外技術的羊肉品質分級系統”進行了登記。
1. 燕山絨山羊和内蒙古絨山羊肉質差異研究(博士研究啟動基金(自然科學)項目,5萬,主持)
2. 燕山絨山羊肉質性狀的候選基因篩選及調控網絡構建(河北省高等學校科學技術研究項目,3萬,主持)
3. 山羊絨纖維細度蛋白的篩選與鑒定(河北省特色動物種質資源挖掘與創新重點實驗室,2萬,主持)